The goal of the design was to preserve the form and dimensions of the historic suspended chord beams for the motorway bridge but, on account of the increased span, to add inclined supports, thus forming a frame system. An additional aim was to allow pedestrians to experience the bridge. For this reason, the pedestrian areas were developed by reversing the suspended chord beams into an arch from which a light steel walkway is hung. The inner side of this walkway is supported by the beams of the motorway bridge The bridge thus results from the reversal of two complementary structural systems.
The new elevated walkway spans over the Friedrich-Olbricht-Damm and connects the two building complexes with a light-weight truss construction.
The required opening of 9 m height for heavy duty vehicles was achieved by only lifting the floor plate, resulting in a cost-effective and attractive design.
The new central bus station in the town of Haldensleben gracefully fills a void that gives shape to what had until recently been an abandoned site in front of the main railway station.
The requirement for sheltered links between bus stops and local traffic management regulations pointed to an enclosed structure. The architects however thought differently and their final design cleverly achieves a very open structure that adheres to the design brief. A semi elliptical roof supported by slender steel sections, rectangular in plan, has such a light footprint that local residents and travellers affectionately refer to it as being like a UF0. The internalenclosed space has been landscaped and become a popular gathering space not only for commuters but also local residents.
A clever additional touch has been provided by semi enclosed seating areas that offer some privacy. The structure is extremely light, economical and was pre-fabricated and easily erected on-site.
Schulitz Architects designed two bridges in the design competition. One of the bridges was awarded with the first prize.
The bridges were designed as a “family” with a similar structural system and corresponding materials (monolithic exposed concrete with self cleaning surfaces).
The design of the new Porschestraße was aimed at giving continuity and calm to the fragmented appearance that had resulted from disparate, obliquely angled buildings inserted along it. Our design is part of this focus on continuity. A glazed roof level is carried by upward soaring steel ‘tree columns’. These ‘tree columns’ continue the rows of trees on the street, yet through the change from natural to artificial trees set a special accent.
The city of Esslingen was interested in connecting all bus stops under a single roof in order to achieve a weather-protected interchange from bus to bus.
Schulitz Architects designed a linear roof system with minimal height respecting the historic railway station. In spite of the dynamic form of the roof with variations in height, all glass panels are rectagular, thus minimizing the construction costs.
A modest pavilion provides an area protected from rain and wind, with space for all ancillary functions. It is not heated, but is protected against frost. Travelling in the glazed cabin of the inclined lift offers an experience of the sce-nery as soon as the cabin emerges from the pavilion and moves, hovering above the slope, in the direction of the castle walls. Practically without touching them, it stops just short of the walls so that you enter the town through the battlements without the need forany further interventions in the historicfabric. The upper arrival platform thus consists of only a door system and a threshold.
The goal is always to give each structure a special identity of its own, despite keeping the expenditure low in terms of material and energy. That is to say, the structure should be designed in such a way that nothing must be added to it and nothing can be taken away from it, while still ensuring that it exudes a special quality.In the case of the opening bridge over the Ziegel Lake we took this principle to the limit. We dispensed with the usual counter-weight structure for raising a bridge generally found in bascules or drawbridges. By separating it into two pedestrian bridges and a bridge for motorised vehicles, and connecting these by means of a transmission system, the pedestrian bridges itself become the counterweights for the motorised traffic bridge and vice-versa.
The guiding image here was that of a floating glass pane that makes its presence known only through the absolutely minimized construction and technical elements, as the connections between the halls at the scale of the pedestrian ought not to attempt to compete with the highly expressive large-scale halls; the effect of the connections should result solely from the logic of their construction. On account of the connections and the short distances to the existing halls, the supporting columns are shifted inwards, so that the eaves edge appears just as a line and no conflict arises between the columns and the existing buildings. The structural grid of the adjoining buildings was applied to the connections in such a way that conflicts at the connecting points could be avoided and the connections correspond to the halls
Königstein Fortress stands on the cliff of the same name, 240 metres above the River Elbe and the town of Königstein, in Saxon Switzerland. The fortress area is a protected historic monument. There was a need for a lift from the present-day car parking level to the case-mate and the level of the battlements. By minimising all the building elements, the design treats the fortress monument with the greatest possible respect, without yielding any of its independence. On the contrary, the special construction is new and was a challenge in
terms of both design and execution. The technology is for the most part left visible, so that the visitor can see how the lift functions. The ‘hoistway’ consists of only 2 supporting tubes
that, along the entire height, serve to hold the guiding tracks for the lift cabin and the counter-weight as well as the pulley in the ‘shaft head’.
The tubes, set 5 metres in front of the fortress wall, are fixed by means of compression and tension rods anchored in the rock and connecting bridges at the stops. The utmost performance in terms of steel construction lies in the minimal vertical tolerances of up to 10 mm. From the glassed-in lift cabin, visitors have a view of the cliffs at the side and the landscape.
Reflection-free glass and the minimized structure increase the degree of transparency. A roofed entrance area offers protection against the weather and small-scale erosion of the fortress cliff. The first station is at the level of the emplacements, where the technology of an historic transport lift can still be seen today. An opening in the fortress wall is reactivated as an access point for the new lift. The existing historic technology is integrated into the design of the museum laid out in the interior. The upper station of the lift serves the fortress plateau at the level of the battlements.